Submitted by scott on

January 16 Tuesday – At 30 Wellington Court in London, England Sam wrote to Frank Bliss.

“Yes date the portrait 1900; & if it comes from the engraver clean & nice,—& I hope it will—send it to Mr. Rogers with my best compliments.”

Sam questioned Bliss’ qualification, and the “bulk of the volumes” he was “entitled to copyright (royalty) on”—were there any he was not entitled to royalty on? Did Bliss mean the Harper books? If so, he wanted Bliss to pay those directly to him, not through Harpers, whom he called “those bankrupts,” even should an injunction be needed.

You are having a tough long job, & are fighting it through with good grit, & I wish I did not have to be a hindrance, I would rather be a help if I could. I will touch as lightly as I can. You say you can stand one or two thousand dollars. All right, I will manage with that. By Whitmore’s account I owe the city about a thousand dollars. (for asphalting). Suppose you go to the authorities & assume that debt for me. Pay it in cash if they require it; otherwise get them to wait as long as you please. If you offer interest I don’t see why they should hurry you. …

I want to make things as easy for you as I can. Keep me cheered up with reports of your progress— London is depressing, in these days of fog & rain & influenza & war [MTP]. Note: Harper & Brothers failed in 1899 and J.P. Morgan took over the firm and put Colonel George Harvey in as manager.

Samuel S. McClure wrote, following up his prior letters offering Sam “editor-in-chief” of a proposed new magazine. “It seems clear enough to me that there will under no circumstances, be anything in the relationship that will cause you the least anxiety or loss of freedom.” He felt that Sam would be able to draw in big names for submissions easier than he would [MTP].


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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