Submitted by scott on

January 20 Saturday – From the Royal Huts in Hindhead, England, Livy wrote to “Youth dear”:

It is a queer little place that we have come to. Just the sort of place that one reads about. No one met us at the station. Whoever was sent went to the wrong train. But we easily got a cab and drove comfortably through the rain out here. When we drove up here we were a good deal appalled for the place looked like a hut indeed. When we had rung the bell there appeared at the door a very energetic pleasant servant who instantly changed the entire aspect for us. She does every thing except cook—takes care of our rooms waits on us, is quick and capable & willing & of course a great talker. Our fires were all ready, tea was soon served & we felt quite at home & greatly amused at our S

All night there was a cold rain & wind and we should have suffered from the cold except that the maid had made so good a fire that it lasted nearly all night. The dinner was a good plan one served hot and we all enjoyed it. The beds are impossible & I should have had to return to London except for my rubber bed. An entirely solid one such as we found in Bendigo. These must be the only other beds of that sort in the world I should think. The children don’t mind much & I am well fixed. The cocks crowed this morning & the dogs whined. It is the regular country! 

Last evening we were huddled close to the fire Jean & I playing backgammon, Clara doing a little sewing.

We were getting on with one short candle & the fire light when the maid came in & said, “wont you have a long candle, plenty of long candles. Or would you like the lamp from the Coffee Room?” … She brought up the lamp & I read by it late. “Human environment makes Climate.” This rather unpromising place was made a palace by the cheer & willingness of the maid. Personally she is pleasant to look upon & very neat.

I found a comfortable sitting room for half a crown a day with a piano in it that Clara can practice on so I took that for the two days. We began with it this morning. I said to the maid that I would not take the sitting room last evening but we would begin with it this morning. She approved of the plan saying “yes, I advise you to depend on the coffee room tonight.” I intended to write you only a word because many letters are pressing.

Good bye sweet. I missed you last night. The bed room was lonely after the young ones were gone to bed and I wanted you dearest. / Yours in deepest deepest love / Livy [MTP]. Note: the purpose of the two day trip to Hindhead is not given. From context they arrived on Jan.19.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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