The index is organized alphabetically, not chronologically. The following have not been indexed: fictional characters, most newspaper articles and subheadings, every subjects of every letter, whether paraphrased, summarized, or quoted.
Items within the Addenda & Errata for Vol. II. (as of print time) are included in this index and the page numbers are italicized. More recent updates for all volumes may be found at This index includes books, plays and other literary works, as well as the authors of those works. Readers may seek up to date bibliographies for Samuel Clemens’ vast array of writings, including the on-line site of Camfield’s Oxford Companion to Mark Twain. Also, Thomas Tenney’s Mark Twain, A Reference Guide (with many supplements) is still a central reference for works written about Clemens. Alan Gribben’s Mark Twain’s Library: A Reconstruction is an excellent source for Sam’s literary interests and ownership of a vast library of works; many literary works and literary criticisms are beyond the scope of this work.
This index focuses on persons and places, with lesser emphasis on events and subjects, such as baseball or International Copyright efforts. Those who corresponded with Sam are indexed; locations are limited to those Sam stayed in or planned to visit. Whenever possible, surname, first name and middle initial or middle name are listed. In some cases these are unknown; some individuals may be double listed, when it was undetermined if they were different people, such as a “Mrs.” listing and a maiden name. If Sam referred to someone in a letter and only the last name is given, and no other reference was found, then the last name only is indexed. Merchants and commercial firms, when named as “John B. Smith, Plumber,” are alphabetized and indexed in the same order as the literal company name, in this case under “John” not “Smith.” Likewise, “Wm. H. Jackson & Co.” as “Wm” not as “William” or “Jackson.”
Unlike in Vols I & II, Mark Twain’s major literary works (Books) , along with his essays, sketches, poems, may now be found as subheadings under Clemens, Samuel L.: as SLC: etc. Subheadings are indented and underlined; sub-sub headings are doubly indented, etc. The principal subheadings for Clemens are:
Aphorisms *
Opinion of
Planned *
Books *
Fascinated by
Unfinished/Unpublished works
Honored by
Upset with
Inscribed *
Interviewed by
(similar subheadings are used for Livy)
* new subheadings for this volume:
Objected to
Many listings are mere mentions; some significant, some trivial. In a day-by- day chronology, much of a trivial nature is included, which scholars and researchers may ultimately judge, in context, to be significant. Many speeches, readings and lectures are indexed, but these may not be complete. Readers should seek individual entries in a given timeframe for more specifics. Many readings included several set pieces, and not all lectures were such in the common meaning of the term at that time. Some lectures combined readings.
Inquiries may be made to the publisher:
The index of a book should always be written by the author, even though the book itself should be the work of another hand. — Attributed to M.T. by Robert Underwood Johnson, Remembered Yesterdays, p 190n1.
“Ben Bolt” (song), 865
“Essence of American Humor, The”
by Charles Johnston, 472
“Friends of Mark Twain’s Boyhood, The” by Homer Bassford, 395
“In the Sweet By and By” (song), 1032
“Little Castle”, 63
“Lost Napoleon, The”, 590
“Rob Roy” (anonymous), 479
“The Eternal Goodness”
Poem by Whittier, 651
“The Pines,” York Harbor, Maine, 702
“Warm Hair”
Not written by MT, 1064
“When I am Gone” (song), 692
21 Fifth Avenue in N.Y.C., 1026, 1053
- Jabobsthal, R.
- Unauthorized ed. TS,D, 243
- Jaccaci, August F., 604, 611, 670, 671, 797
- Jack and the Beanstalk, 246
- Jackson, A. Reeves, Dr., 512
- Jackson, Hyacinth, 646
- Jackson, J. Smither, 751
- Jacksonville, Fla., 655
- Jacob, Samuel Swinton, 2
- Jacobs, Ward, 865, 866, 868, 871, 876
- James Dodge, Mrs., 648
- James, Henrietta.
- Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse (Steamship), 666
- Kaiser, Ferdinand P.
- L’Aurore. Littéraire, artistique, social. (French periodical), 127
- La Bourgogne (Steamship) sank, 171
- La Farge, John, 1053
- La Gioconda (play) by D’Annunzio, 755
- La Shelle, Kirke, Mr. & Mrs., 975, 987, 1020
- Labinnah Club, Hannibal, 680, 681
- Labouchere, Henry, 372
- Lacaita, Giacomo Filippo.
- M’Arthur, J., 982
- Mabie, Hamilton Wright, 72, 176, 436, 516, 766, 768, 797, 825, 871
- MacAdam, Hastings, 681, 683, 684
- MacAlister, Donald, Dr., 396, 973, 976, 978, 980, 997
- MacAlister, Donald, Mrs., 396
- MacAlister, John Y.W., 19, 22, 26, 28, 34, 36, 39, 42, 57, 64, 66, 80, 141, 185, 251, 258, 260, 261, 264, 268, 298, 309, 312, 313, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 348, 372, 376, 377, 378, 379, 383, 386, 388, 389, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 410, 412, 414, 425, 434, 436, 445, 449, 502, 511, 513, 542, 552, 565, 631, 644, 728, 734, 744, 745,
- Nadaillac, Jean Francois Albert du Pouget
- Pre-Historic America, 386
- Nansen, Eva, 155, 157, 220
- Nansen, Fridtjof, 155, 157, 220, 261
- Napa, Calif., 72
- Naples, Italy, 912, 913, 1007
- Nasby, Petroleum V., 809
- Nash, Mr., 211
- Nash, William A., 766
- Nash, William H.C., 460
- Nassau, Bahamas, 645, 646, 647, 653, 654, 655
- Nast, Thomas
- Biography of, 934, 1026
- Death of, 776
- Nation (NY), 433, 478, 689
- “Mark Twain, American”, 433
- Na
- O’Brien, J.A., 17
- O’Day, Daniel, 766
- O’Farrell, Patrick, 475
- O’Kelley, Michael P., 747
- O’Neil, Ellen, 861, 1012
- O’Neil, John (Gardener), 697, 865, 1062
- O’Neil, John and Ellen, 10, 15, 159
- Sent white roses for Livy’s funeral, 1012
- O’Reilly, Miss, 553
- O’Rell, Max. See Blouet, Leon Paul
- O’Riley, Michael P.
- Pace, Hotel Florence, 913, 916
- Pach Bros. N.Y. (Photographers), 340
- Paff, Hattie L., 1022
- Page, Thomas Nelson, 577, 712, 732, 1002, 1050
- Page, Walter Hines, 72, 176, 494, 880
- Paget, Agustus Berkeley, 920
- Paget, Lady, 920, 922, 985, 999, 1019
- Paget, Walburga Ehrengarde Helena von Hohenthal. See Paget, Lady Paggi, Dr., 919
- Paige, James W., 524, 813
- Paine, Albert Bigelow, 236, 410, 551, 589, 934, 1026, 1028
- Biography of Thos.
- A.B. Chambers (Steamboat), 228
- A.W. Smith, Mrs., 620
- Abbey, Beatrice (Pseud.
- Quaker City, 198
- Quarles, Tabitha (“Puss”), 188, 309, 633, 879, 1052, 1056, 1057
- Quarry Farm, 217, 448, 559, 562, 609, 619, 718, 722, 874, 875, 876, 877, 878, 879, 880, 881, 882, 883, 884, 886, 888, 889, 891, 892, 893, 894, 895, 896, 897, 898, 900, 912, 1041, 1065
- Queen (Journal), 137
- Queen Anne Mansions (London), 52, 274, 278, 289, 291, 293
- Queen Mary, 1
- Queen Victoria, 90, 632
- Diamond Jubilee, 43
- Quentin Durward (1823) by Sir Walter Scott, 855
- Quintard, Edward Skiddy, Dr., 1034
- Babyhood Magazine, 233
- Bacheller & Johnson Syndicate (Logo), 1061
- Bacheller, Irving, 442, 445, 498
- Eben Holden; A Tale of the North Country (1900), 437
- Bacnotan Public Schools, Philippines, 701, 714, 741
- Bacon, Francis McN., Mr. & Mrs., 494
- Bad Ischl, Austria, 179, 180, 181
- Badeau¸ Adam, 711
- Badeni, Kasimir Felix, Count, 107, 109, 116
- Baden-Powell, (General, Brit.), 847
- Baedeker, Karl, 935
- Baer, John, 381
- Baerlein, Lottie Kohner (Mrs.
- R.F. Fenno & Co. (Publishers), 434, 496
- R.G. Newbegin Co., 451, 491, 504, 527, 536, 538, 554, 555, 561, 568, 579, 602, 625
- Blamed W.I. Squire, 568
- R.H. Ingersoll & Brothers, 523, 526
- Ragged Lady by Wm. Dean Howells, 122
- Raimond, C.E.. See Robins, Elizabeth
- Rákosi, Jenö, 237
- Ralls County Record, 691
- Ralph, Julian, 3
- Alone in China, and Other Stories (1897), 21
- Ramsay, Frances A.
- Cable, George W., 24, 244, 571, 614, 766, 809, 1005, 1078
- Cavalier, The (1901), 571
- Caccia, Mr. (Notary), 989
- Cadenhead, Mr., 376
- Cadwalader, John (Atty), 711, 724, 731
- Café Monico, 267
- Calais, France, 257
- California Society of New York, 726
- Callahan, Ed, Capt., 679
- Callender, Sherman D., 526
- Callister, Christian, 781
- Cambon, Jules M. (Ambassador), 756, 757, 761
- Campan, Mrs. Barney, 915. See Massiglia,
- Countess Campanari, M,M.
- Sacher, Hotel, 195
- Sage family, 387
- Sage, Dean, Mr. & Mrs., 386
- Sage, Sarah A., 745, 1041
- Sagehenyi, Count, 61
- Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 1053
- Sala Filarmonica, Florence, 974
- Sala, George Augustus, 266
- Salatsch & Son (Tailor), 62
- Sale of a Soul (play) by Frank Moore, 327
- Salignac, M.M.
- D’Annunzio, Gabriele, 755
- D’Oyly, Carte R., 368, 371
- Dahinden, Alois, 63
- Dahn, Felix, 1
- Daily Express, The (London), 487
- Daily Mail (London), 673
- Daily Princetonian, 666
- Dakin, Arthur H., 625
- Dalmeny, Lord, 384
- Daly, Augustin, 105
- Death of, 260
- Daly, Dan, 621
- Daly, Marcus, 373
- Dalziel’s News (London), 114
- Dana, Charles A.
- Death of, 93
- Dana, J.C., 861
- Dana, Paul, 455, 496, 501
- Dana, Paul, Mr.
- T.S.
- E.S. (not further identified), 283
- Earl of Craven. See Martin, Bradley
- Earl of Jersey. See Villiers, Victor
- Earl of Norbury. See Graham-Toler, William
- Earl of Portsmouth. See Wallop, Newton
- Earl of Portsmouth Dinner, 344
- Earl of Rosebery.
- U. Fischer, Miss, 930
- Ugo, Catani (artist), 897
- Umberto I, 559
- Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom, The (1902) by Wilbur Henry Siebert, 774
- Underhill & Nichols, 493
- Underhill family, 364
- Underhill, Charles M., 364, 750, 1072
- Underhill, Irving S., 364, 365, 448, 454, 469, 474, 612
- Underwood, Dr., 904
- Underwood, F.R., 538
- Underwood, J.L., 532
- Unger, Henry W., 584
- Uniform Edition.
- F.D. Hirschberg & Brothers, St. Louis, 1058 F.L. Patton, Dr. & Mrs., 749
- Fables in Slang (1899) by George Ade, 700
- Fagan, Charles Edward, 374
- Fairbanks, Charles M., 281
- Fairbanks, Mary Mason, 809
- Death of, 209, 281
- Fairbanks, Mary P., 281
- Fairchild Family, 633
- Fairchild, Charles S., 476, 603, 605, 610, 633, 706, 715, 716, 819, 826, 847, 857, 885, 952, 1014, 1047
- Fairchild, E.W., 529
- Fairchild, Elisabeth N. (Mrs.
- Vacarescu, Elena, 1021
- Valgoria, Countess, 943, 972
- Vallery-Radot, Rene, 610
- Van Aken, E.M.
- G.&C. Merriam Co., 538, 540
- G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 256, 671, 1055
- Gabrilowitsch, Ossip, 151, 255, 431, 666, 761
- America recitals, 460
- Played Carnegie Hall, 420
- Gadski, Mme.
- W. Duke Sons & Co., 1060
- Wäggis.
- Habitant, and Other French-Canadian Poems, The (1902) by Drummond, 798
- Habsburg. Marchenspiel in drei Acten by Alfred von Berger, 191
- Hack, Oren S., Mrs. (Elizabeth Miller), 960
- Haddon, Alfred Cort, 381
- Hadley, Arthur Twining, Dr., 576, 577
- Hagenauer, Adolf, 62
- Hague Peace Conference, first, 219
- Haig, Dr., 380
- Haldane, W., 843
- Hale, Edward Everett, 300, 305
- Hale, Nathan, 305
- Hall, Alice Reynolds (Mrs. Henry J.S.
- Yale Bi-Centennial Celebration, 574, 575
- Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, 547, 548
- Yeats, Mr., 828, 954, 955
- Yerington, Henry Marvin, 893
- Yerington, J.A., 892, 893
- Yoke, The: A Romance of the Days When the Lord Redeemed the Children of Israel (1904) by Elizabeth Miller, 960
- York Harbor, Maine, 71, 175, 635, 669, 696, 698, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 713, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 721, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731, 732, 733, 734, 735, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740, 741, 742, 743, 744, 748, 752, 758, 781, 8
- Idiot at Home by John Kendrick Bangs, 928
- Idler, The, 16, 82, 119
- Interviewed MT, 1070
- Idyl of the Rhine, An (1901) by Louisa Myers, 582
- Il Mestero del Poeta by Antonio Fogarrazo, 882
- Iles, George, 411, 628, 630, 634, 677, 697, 810
- Flame, Electricity and the Camera (1900), 411, 677
- Illustrated American, The, 76
- Illustrated Sphere, The (London), 487
- Illustrirtes Wiener Extrablatt (Vienna), 90, 97, 149
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