July 5, 1900 Thursday

July 5 Thursday

Sam attended a reception for the US Minister to the Court of St. James, Joseph H. Choate. Later Clemens made a speech at the Hotel Cecil for the American Society. His letter of July 8 to Richard Watson Gilder lists this day’s activities:

What a rush I made of it that day! Attended the Choate reception; then yours [Gilder’s]; then dined out; then started for the 4th of July banquet at the hotel Cecil at a quarter to midnight, made the closing speech at 12, & was on my way to Dollis Hill fifteen minutes later. I am not as old as I used to be [MTP: Willard Wilson, Mark Twain Returns to Hawaii, 1969].

Chatto & Windus wrote to Sam, enclosing a statement and a cheque for £794.15.1 for the “Edition de Luxe” sales [MTP].

Sam’s notebook: 21 Carleton H. Terrace. Lady Margaret Jenkins, dinner. 8.15. / Plasmon 12? / From Chatto, £794.15.1; and 133.10.2 / 928.9.9 ” [NB 43 TS 20].

At Dollis Hill House in London, England Sam wrote a postcard to John Y. MacAlister. “Oh, it’s too late—& besides—well, there’s a lot of reasons why I shouldn’t like to. Forgive my superstitions” [MTP].

Joe Twichell wrote to Sam. “Now you must know that I love you for I have left you alone a whole month—and more. And that for a man hunted from pillar to post by all creation as you are, is worthy to be credited as an act of grace and mercy.” He asked what would the family do after summering in England? He mentioned the Philippines question and also seeing Poultney Bigelow [MTP].

Richard Watson Gilder wrote a note to Sam. It is not extant but referred to in Sam’s July 8 reply.

Editor Note
The CMTS On-Line version has a number of PDF boxes for this entry. I hope I have assigned the individual boxes to the correct date.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.