July 25, 1900 Wednesday

July 25 Wednesday – At Dollis Hill House in London, England Sam wrote to Poultney Bigelow. Inviting him to “Come out & see me,” and giving directions, then advising, “Don’t get lost—it takes an artist to do it.” After his signature Sam added, “If my friend J.Q. Adams of 88 Oakley street calls, you can freely talk about ‘Hadleyburg’ with him, you being my agent” [MTP]. Note: John Quincy Adams II, namesake of the President, died in 1894; so this JQA is not identified but may be a descendant.

Sam also wrote to Brander Matthews, explaining that a case of gout in his left foot had canceled his chance to see him for dinner. Would Matthews drive out to the country for a visit? “I think I can get out on the lawn—bootless” [MTP].

Sam wrote a short note to John Y. MacAlister “I am not into my clothes yet, but I soon shall be, I think. I am taking that Australian medicine & doing very well. I am expecting to get my clothes on (except left shoe), tomorrow. And that is soon enough; I am enjoying myself & am not in a hurry. Thank you for thinking of me, old man” [MTP]. Note: Sam was suffering from gout in his left foot.

Sam also wrote to James R. Clemens, again desirous of the name and source of the cigars they had shared.

Since you were here I have attended to little else than the gout, & I am still confined to my nightshirt. …Also I want you to do me this added favor: give me the name of the cigars you brought here with you the other day, so that I can order them through Whitely. [Sam drew the shape of the cigars here]…

….Can you get the name of the breed for me? I am sorry to give you trouble, but what is a body to do?—

I’ve got to have the cigars; otherwise, I will get well & come in & scare Muriel [MTP]. Note: Muriel Clemens,

James’ infant daughter: Muriel Clemens Gotwals (1900-1989) was sister to Cyril Clemens (1902-1999).

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.