July 26, 1900 Thursday

July 26 ThursdayJean Clemens’ twentieth birthday. Sam’s notebook:Rev. Mr. Fowler came out to tea” [NB 43 TS 22].

At Dollis Hill House in London, England Sam wrote to Daniel Willard Fiske, having just received Fiske’s note (not extant).

“Do run out, to-morrow or next day, or any day but Sunday (which is pre-empted) & take tea with us—or dinner if you can” [Sam gave directions] [MTP].

July 26 – August 5 – Sam also wrote to Daniel Willard Fiske, sometime in this period.

I am sorry Sir Norman changed your orbit & lost us your visit; but glad you & your gout are profiting by it. We shall look for you when you get back. My gout disappeared five or six days ago, & I shan’t expect a return for a couple of years—it is a 2-year periodical. Next time I mean to try Harrogate.

The Matthewses came out day before yesterday & we had a pleasant time [MTP]. Note: this letter, numbered UCCL11384 by MTP and dated 25 Sept-6 Oct., 1900 is changed to this period, due to Sam’s gout reference, and the Brander Matthews family visit reference. See July 25 to Matthews, July 28 to Gordon, Aug. 1 to MacAlister, and Aug. 12 to Twichell—all in support of this period for the above letter to Fiske.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.