July 18, 1900 Wednesday

July 18 WednesdaySam’s notebook: “Write George Standring, 7 & 9 Finsbury st. E.1 Printer” [NB 43 TS 22].

Note: George Standring (b.1855), author of The People’s History of the English Aristocracy (1891) [Gribben 657]. Standring visited Sam some time during the Dollis Hill stay, enjoying a smoke with him. See Jan. 1, 1903.

At Dollis Hill House in London, England Sam wrote to James R. Clemens, having received a bill for cigars he requested on July 12, but not the cigars. What was the name of the cigars, he asked; he could get them “through Whiteley or some other grown-up concern” [MTP].

Sam also wrote a postcard to John Y. MacAlister: “I am a deal better, & expecting to be at 56 on Saturday. SLC” [MTP: Tollet & Harmon catalog, no. 16, item 23]. Note: Postmarked July 19. Since MacAlister lived at 20 Hanover Sq., Plasmon offices were at 56 Duke st., London.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.