December 17, 1900 Monday

December 17 MondaySam’s notebook: “Possible dinner with Harvey. See Thursday / The whole family dinner Rogers—telephone or Thursday” [NB 43 TS 31].

Sam wrote a reply to Richard Watson Gilder (incoming not extant), about the price of an article:

Dear Gilder: / But won’t you offer a price yourself? And make it a final one, so’s we shan’t lose time dickering.

I am scandalously tardy in answering you, but I’ve been very much pressed for time. / Ys ever / Mark [eBay 160282783890 Sept. 14, 2008]. Note: See Dec. 18 to Gilder; evidently he offered $1,500 right away. Thanks to JoDee Benussi.

Eduard Pötzl wrote (in German) from Vienna to Sam:

Please accept my warmest thanks for sending the amusing epigram which will grace our Christmas number. I thank you also for the message that you and your family still think of me frequently. The memory of the pleasant hours I spent with your family are unforgettable. …

I enclose a little article for you which we printed in the paper on information from your German publisher Lutz, which keenly interested the many friends you left in Vienna. … [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.