December 18, 1900 Tuesday

December 18 TuesdaySam’s notebook: “Dinner at Mr. Mott’s 8 pm 17 E 47th / HOWELLS Lunch at 1 Century Club 7 W. 43d” [NB 43 TS 31]. Note: Jordan Lawrence Mott, Jr.; Sam gives the same address for Mott as he did in his Dec. 9 entry, connecting Mott to Winston Churchill’s visit.

Sam lunched with William Dean Howells at the Century Club [MTHL 2: 725: NB 43 TS 31].

At 1410 W. 10th in N.Y.C., Sam wrote to Mrs. Elizabeth Evans.

It is a dainty thing, the little sample of Filipino workmanship, which arrived to-day, & I thank you for it. Mr. Bass has not called yet, & I have not seen Mr. Patterson lately. He gave me his address on a card, but unfortunately I lost it, to my great regret [MTP].

Note: Although these folks are not further identified, the lady is possibly Elizabeth Edson Evans (Mrs. Edward Payson Evans; 1832-1911), author, feminist.

Sam also wrote a short note to Richard Watson Gilder, Century editor, asking him to “excuse brevity,” as he was “hurried more than usual”; “$1500 is all right” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.