December 5, 1900 Wednesday

December 5 Wednesday – At 1410 W. 10th in N.Y.C., Sam wrote to John Y. MacAlister. After some delay caused by registering the letter, Sam got MacAlister’s letter on Dec. 4, referred to in a cable, and then cabled his approval.

When I said I could probably raise the money here, it was one of those unconsidered speeches that drop from a hurried man’s mouth, & would be stricken out if he had time to edit & consider—for they almost engage him to do what he half-says he could—but I’ve no time to edit & consider anything! I have now been bedridden with gout & toothache & bronchial cough 11 days, yet day before yesterday I answered 42 letters [only 5 are extant] & last night I crawled out in a close coupè & made a speech [Aldine Club]; & must crawl out to-morrow night & speak again [St. Nicholas Society]—but that is the last for this season, except that I introduce Churchill Dec. 12.

The rest of the letter involves Plasmon Co. details and plans; Sam closed by observing that “Those promised weekly reports of the London & Berlin companies have never come” [MTP].

Irving Bacheller (1859-1950) inscribed and sent Sam a copy of his latest book, Eben Holden; A Tale of the North Country (which would sell over 300,000 copies): “My dear Mark Twain: Let me introduce my old friend Uncle Eb and credit me what you will on the great debt I owe you. Irving Batcheller/ 320 St. Nicholas Ave N.Y./Dec. 5, 1900” [Gribben 36]. Note: See Sam’s reply on Dec. 14, some nine days after the inscription date. See Vol II for entries on Bacheller.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.