March 2, 1901 Saturday

March 2 SaturdaySam’s notebook:See Feb. 23. All right—this is the date. But the hour is 6.30” [NB 44 TS 6]. Fatout lists this dinner speech by Mark Twain at the University City Club, but offers no text or particulars [MT Speaking 668].

The New York Times, p BR 14, ran this squib:

“The Niagara Book” will shortly be re-published by Doubleday, Page & Co. with additions and revisions. As originally presented eight years ago by Underhill & Nichols, it was a souvenir of Niagara Falls; in its new form it will rather be a souvenir of the Buffalo Pan-American Exposition. New sketches, stories, and essays have been added to it from the pens of Mark Twain, W.D. Howells, Prof. N.S. Shaler, and others. [Note: see other entries on the Niagara Book.]


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.