March 31, 1901 Sunday

March 31 SundaySam’s notebook: “(To-day, was it?) Turned over to Harry Harper, for the firm, the dramatic business of Joan of Arc, they to attend to every detail including collections, & reserve 15 per cent of the results as commission” [NB 44 TS 8].

Sam inscribed a copy of RI to Ben Holladay Darcy:To / Ben Holladay Darcy, jr. / The first American Army boy born in the Philippines—greeting & salutation from / Mark Twain / New York, March 31, 1901” [MTP: California Book Auction Co. catalogs, 26 Jan. 1985, Item 579].

Sam also wrote to Robert Underwood Johnson of Century Magazine: “It is fine & strong, & I am glad you had the grit to say it” [MTP].

Sam also wrote to his niece Ida Langdon, sending the family’s best wishes to her and to Julie Langdon, but declining an invitation unspecified. “My dear Niece: / It is very sweet of you to want me to come, but there are several dozens of reasons why I mustn’t—one of which I have furnished in my reply to the Dean’s kind invitation” [MTP].

Sam also wrote again to Laura Fitch McQuiston in Fort Hancock, N.J. (See Mar. 26 and 28 letters):

I am afraid I did not express myself clearly. I only wanted the letter when Mrs. Koller should be ready for it—which will not be until Miss White comes from Missouri, where I think she is delayed for lack of fare money; she is very poor.

I shall take good care of the letter, & be personally responsible for its safe return. It will Not leave my hands until Mrs. Koller and Miss White are on hand & ready to use it. If you prefer, I will not submit it to them at all, but depend upon tests to be made in my house, if you can be present. The letter-test could follow, or be dropped [MTP].

Note: Evidently Mrs. E.B. Koller had requested a letter from the deceased be shown her in order to attempt communication with him. Mrs. McQuiston was to furnish the letter, which Sam would hold until needed, if at all. See also Apr. 1 to McQuiston.

The New York Times, p.2, “The Sons of Ohio Dine,” reported a letter of regret from Mark Twain for being unable to attend the tribute dinner by the Ohio Society of New York for William McKinley at the Waldorf Astoria hotel on Mar. 30. See Sam’s letter under the March, 1901 entry.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.