March 25, 1901 Monday

March 25 Monday – Sam’s notebook: “Stenographer 2.30. Dinner to Harvey 7.30 University Club” [NB 44 TS 7].

The Clemenses heard that Frederic William Henry Myers died in Rome. He was the founder and president of the Society for Psychical Research in Cambridge, England

Unidentified (“Many Students”) wrote from N.Y.C.:

Your (former) countrymen were sorry for your troubles and were glad when you got out of them. But ninety eight out of a hundred now feel you are unworthy & if you knew how they feel you would go (guilty) abroad stay. You are not worthy of citizenship in a land which you…slander & vilify—while you have nothing but praise & comfort for its enemies—shame on you—many students— [MTP].

Thomas M. Carey of Bryn Mawr College wrote to invite Sam to deliver the Commencement address on June 6 at 11 a.m. [MTP].

Augustus T. Gurlitz wrote having rec’d Sam’s check for $100 to initiate a lawsuit against Chicago publisher Butler Brothers for issuing an unauthorized edition of the “Library of Wit and Humor by Mark Twain.” Gurlitz asked Sam to look up “The Steamboat Race” on page 68, a five-page article. “It would be a good thing to show copyright in it.” He also felt he ought to have a copy each of IA and RI and the copyright papers relating to each [MTP]. Note: Sam’s answer is catalogued by MTP as ca. Mar. 27

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.