September 19 Wednesday – Sam’s notebook: “Moberly Bell & wife. Tea & dinner” [NB 43 TS 25].
At Dollis Hill House in London, England Sam replied to John Y. MacAlister on several items. Though he would like to write for “Lloyd’s Christmas number,” his contracts debarred him from doing so. He expected the MacAlisters to come to them for a last visit, either “some evening, or eat with us in the hotel when we move to London”; Sam would “leave the particulars” to Livy.
Our last Sunday evening in England will be spent here in cussing & trunk-packing until midnight; then we remove next morning to Brown’s Hotel, Albemarle street.
Coincidence! Two days ago I was building an aphorism, with myself as target—& now you have almost exactly repeated that aphorism: where you say that until a man tolerates bigoted intolerance he is intolerant himself. Dam true, too [MTP].
Messrs. Jones & Son, wholesale Jewelers billed Livy for several items purchased on Aug. 18 totaling £14.12.6 [MTP].