September 25, 1900 Tuesday

September 25 Tuesday – At Dollis Hill House in London, England Sam wrote to Charles L. Atchison.

I do not know how to thank you enough for sending me Mr. Archer’s compact & virile article. A compliment from him is gold, 98 fine.

And compensation is mine at last! The paragraph which he quotes, with approval, from Huck Finn, caused that book to be banished with holy indignation from the public library of Mr. Emerson’s town (Concord, Mass) fifteen years ago [MTP]. Note: Atchison is not identified. See Aug. 2 to Archer. William Archer’s article on “Hadleyburg” ran in the Nov. issue of Critic (N.Y.); this may have been a pre-released version of the article.

Sam also wrote to Daniel Willard Fiske.

We went to Cromer & spent a time with some English friends, & when we got back we were looking for you, but you did not come, & still you didn’t come; so I said I would go to London & see what the matter was, for Mrs. Clemens was uneasy. Just then arrived your letter [not extant], Saturday night—too late to catch you. It is too bad—& much too bad that you were wretched & confined to your room so long [MTP]. Note: Cromer, Norfolk, on the coast about 100 miles from London over the weekend of Sept. 14-16. The English friends are not specified.

Sam intended to meet John Y. MacAlister at the Plasmon House, Duke Street [Sept. 24 to MacAlister].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.