September 24, 1900 Monday

September 24 Monday – At Dollis Hill House in London, England Sam replied to John Y. MacAlister.

It is too bad, & we are as sorry as we can be, but next Saturday we shall be crowding the final packing through, & all hands employed, & too tired to be any use; but don’t you think you can come out to 8 o’clock dinner to-morrow night? We hope you can, & you will tell me to-morrow, when we meet at Plasmon House, Duke street.

I’ll bring the play; also a type-MS which you are to stow away somewhere for a while; also that book; also I must arrange with you to receive the proceeds of some S.A. [South Africa] mining stock of small value—in case any proceeds should ever be forthcoming; also, to represent my Plasmon interests and Founders’ Shares [MTP]. Note: Sam headed this letter “Sunday,” which was Sept. 24; so he either had the wrong date or wrong day of the week.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.