September 28, 1900 Friday

September 28 Friday – At Dollis Hill House in London, England Sam wrote to John Y. MacAlister asking him to look at the enclosed (not specified) and to post it if it was all right. Sam was unable to get into London on this day and wrote he might not get in the next day, but would see Mac on Monday [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Frank E. Oldis.

I accept with thanks the privilege you offer me of sending Christmas greetings to San Francisco & the coast. I am not as well acquainted with San Francisco now as I was 32 years ago when I saw it last, but my home feeling for it has suffered no decay, nevertheless. It is a sticking fact that San Francisco has trebled its population & quintupled its other prosperities since I left. It is doubtful if any other man has done as much for the city as that. Yet I ask no monument, I only ask that in the Christmas festivities this service shall not be coldly brushed aside & the credit given to some loud recent person who never did anything for the town. I could have gone earlier, if I had thought. It was suggested [MTP: S.F. Bulletin Dec. 23, 1900]. Note: Oldis is not identified, though the 1920 Census lists a Frank O. Oldis in S.F. as b. 1875. The editor of the Bulletin at this time was Fremont Older (1856-1935).

Sam inscribed his photograph, taken by the firm of H. Walter Barnett, Park Side Hyde Park Corner, London S.W., to M.L. Pinkham, who was Clara’s agent in London; at the top: “Truth is the most valuable thing we have. Let us economise it. / Truly Yours, Mark Twain.” At the bottom of the photograph: “Sept 28 / 1900 / To Mr. Pinkham, with the compliments of S.L. Clemens” [Heritage Auction Lot 34204 sale 6044 ended June 7, 2010; MTP examined].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.