Submitted by scott on

Departed Jaipur 6 pm March 15 and arrived in Delhi March 16 Monday "at half-past midnight. They stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Burne of the Bank of Bengal, “in the great old mansion built by a rich orientalized Englishman” [Ahluwalia 19; NB 36 TS 57].

March 17 Tuesday – The Clemens party was in Delhi, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Burne. Parsons writes, Well enough to travel again, Mark tried whenever possible to conserve energy in the heat of the day and to be active early in the forenoon or after sunset. He spent a day or two in Delhi [actually about
24 hours], where it was his good fortune to lodge in a “great old mansion” which in 1857 had been headquarters of the three-month siege to retake the city. Among the sights were the Kashmir Gate, the sixty-foot Ridge behind which the British encamped during the thirty actions which culminated in
John Nicholson’s successful assault, and Nicholson’s grave [“MT India” 91].

In her Mar. 30 letter to Susan Crane, Livy wrote of their short stay in Delhi:
We were in Delhi about 24 hours, but we saw almost nothing of that very interesting city, for two reasons: one was we expected to return there, & the other was that there was so much small-pox that it was deemed better not to go about among the natives, or where they went [Ahluwalia 46].

The Clemens party left Delhi at about midnight headed to Lahore, some 320 miles. From Sam’s notebook:
Mch. 17. Left Delhi at 24.30. Car-communicating door wouldn’t shut. In previous car it wouldn’t open [NB 36 TS 57].
(Day by Day)

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