January 21, 1885

Methodist Church, Madison, WI

See Touring with Cable and Huck for review.

Sam wrote from Madison, Wisc. to Livy. He reported that it had been seven days since the thermometer had risen above zero; it was ten below at the time of his letter, but he was in his “bag, in bed, & unspeakably snug & comfortable. That bag is the greatest thing in the world.” He wrote of meeting Lucius Fairchild, brother of Charles Fairchild and ex-governor of Wisconsin from 1866-1872: Got here at 2:30 pm & ate dinner & went at once to bed—as usual. Fairchild came in, a moment (poor fellow, he will be defeated for U.S. Senate tonight—he told us so himself) & said the girls are out of town; asked us to supper—declined. We didn’t go to see Emma Sayles...[MTP]. Note: Emma Sayles (Mrs. Henry Sayles) (1844-1916).

Sam wrote that they would leave Madison at midnight. Cable wrote that it was midnight and they must take a train after 1 AM. “I can’t write. Mark Twain is telling California yarns to Ozias and Kark Strakasch” [Turner, MT & GWC 90].

Sam also wrote Charles Webster, reminding him to look into the stock of the Hayword Hand Grenade Co. and see what the cost would be [MTP]. Note: the Hayword were bottles of water to be thrown at a fire.

The Fort Madison Democrat: “Lecture Trips and Visits of Mark Twain in Iowa.” Sam commented on local Indians [Scharnhorst, Interviews 74-6].

"Mark Twain and Geo. W. Cable entertained a crowded house at the Methodist church last evening. The audience was kept in a continual roar of laughter for two hours and went home with the assurance that the "troop," as Mark Twain called it, would return to Madison on the 27th of this month."

Railroads:  Milwaukee and Prairie du Chien, Chicago and North Western

There appear to be two possible routes between Janesville and Madison, Wisconsin.  The northern and possibly most direct route would have been the Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul, over what was the Prairie du Chien.  The southern route would have been on the Chicago and North Western Railroad, although the connection would require taking the CM&SP to Hanover, southwest of Janesville.