April 1885

April  On an unknown Friday evening in April, Sam wrote from New York City to Charles Webster of his plans to go home to Hartford in the morning and stay there for the time being unless Webster needed him back in New York. He gave instructions about the galley proofs on Grant’s book, and noted that Charles Langdon was in Hartford or on his way with “a lot of papers to sign & business to straighten up, which may take us several days.” Sam thought he might return to New York and bring Livy the following Thursday [MTP].

Likewise, on an unknown Sunday, Sam wrote another note to Charles Webster about an error on page 92 of Grant’s book, one which would have to be fixed on the plates. The note closed with, “Livy & Susy & I will be down at noon Thursday,” which seems to connect with the preceding unknown Friday evening letter—that is, these letters were written Friday and Sunday of the same weekend in April.

Webster & Co. contracted with J.J. Little & Co. to print 50,000 copies of Grant’s Memoirs; Little later sued for breach of contract (see May 20, 1888).

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.