April 3 Friday – Sam wrote on the envelope of a letter from Karl Gerhardt:
“Telegraphed Gerhardt not to send this letter—leave the matter alone or put it in General Badeau’s hands” [MTP]. Note: Adam Badeau was an old friend of Grant’s and one of his closest advisors during the war. He was an accomplished writer and also a public figure [Perry 72-73].
Sam also wrote from Hartford to Miss Wachschlager, probably an autograph seeker.
“Ah, if I had but a moment’s time!—But one gets not even time to sleep” [MTP].
Karl Gerhardt wrote, enclosing a letter to Col. Grant if it met with Sam’s approval. The letter outlined why and what a plaster cast of the face would mean [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “Telegraphed perhaps not to send this letter—leave the matter alone or put it in General Badeau’s hand / SLC”
S.L. Caldwell for Vassar College wrote “gratified” that Sam would consent to meet the young ladies and read to them [MTP].