April 1, 1885 Wednesday

April 1 Wednesday – Sam’s Mar. 28 letter to Frank A. Nichols ran in the New York World. It was widely copied in other papers [MTHL 2: 526n2].

In Hartford, Sam wrote to an unidentified lady who had asked if he might send his short tribute to Adam. Sam replied positively and sent her a paragraph from Innocents Abroad [MTP].

Gerhardt informed Sam that sculptor James Alexander Wilson MacDonald had claimed the right to make a desk mask of General Grant. Sam didn’t want to get involved over the issue. Gerhardt then got permission to make the mask upon Grant’s death from his son Fred Grant [MTNJ 3: 127n5].

Tracy, Tarbox & Robinson, “Hardware & Woodenware” Hartford billed $5.88 for purchases: Mar. 16, May 8, 23, 29, June 4, 24: “cup hooks, bristle brush, curry comb, grass hook, pr sheep shears, ball twine, scythe stone” etc.; paid July 9 [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.