April 25, 1885 Saturday 

April 25 Saturday – Sam received a letter from J.B. Clapp, secretary of the Blodgett & Clapp Co. an iron and steel merchant of Hartford.

“I was unfortunately ran into by your carriage and my own carriage somewhat injured. The carriage I have placed in the Hospital & trust it will soon be convalescent. The Doctors bill I presume you will see in due course of time” [MTNJ 3: 138-9n42]. Sam wrote on the envelope, “Ha-ha!”

Clemma L. Bradley (nee Lampton) wrote from McKinney, Texas to “earnestly request that you honor our state by a visit at your earliest convenience.” “I am the youngest daughter of your Mother’s uncle Wharton Lampton; the ‘curly headed Sis,’ that you mischievously nicknamed “The Weather Office” [MTP]. File notes: that SLC had ‘no shred of remembrance of her (to Orion 5 May; in MTBM, 321”

J.B. Clapp wrote that Sam ran into his carriage which now was in the “hospital & trust it will soon be convalescent. The doctor’s bill I presume you will see in due course…” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.