April 30, 1885 Thursday

April 30 Thursday – From Susy Clemens’ unfinished biography (her spelling):

…mamma planned to take the four-o’clock car back to Hartford. We rose quite early that morning and went to the Vienna Bakery and took breakfast there. From there we went to a German bookstore and bought some German books for Clara’s birthday.

Then mamma and I went to do some shopping and papa went to see General Grant. After we had finished doing our shopping we went home to the hotel together….Papa came home and gave mamma her ticket; and after visiting a while with her went to see Major Pond and mamma and I sat down to our lunch. After lunch most of our time was taken up with packing, and at about three o’clock we went to escort mamma to the train. We got on board the train with her and stayed with her about five minutes and then we said good-bye to her and the train started for Hartford. It was the first time I had ever beene away from home without mamma in my life, although I was 13 yrs. old. Papa and I drove back to the hotel and got Major Pond and then went to see the Brooklyn Bridge we went across it to Brooklyn on the cars and then walked back across it from Brooklyn to New York [Salsbury 198].

Sam wrote from New York City to Frederick D. Grant, making a suggested change in a letter Fred wrote for Gerhardt. He strenuously argued that a libel suit be brought against the New York World for an article printed Apr. 29, namely, that the memoirs were not the work of General Grant, but a ghost-writer. The World claimed that the book was the work of Adam Badeau. Sam was enraged [MTP; Perry 196].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.