April 5, 1889 Friday

April 5 Friday – In Hartford Sam wrote to Augustin Daly feeling he owed him and the actress Miss Rehan, who was the idol of his girls.

I have written wonderful books, which have revolutionized politics & religion in the world; & you might think that that is why my children hold my person to be sacred, but it isn’t so: it is because I know Miss Rehan & Mr. Drew personally [MTP]. Note: Ada Rehan and John Drew were notables on the N.Y. stage.

Webster & Co. wrote to Sam (financial statement enclosed showing 7,750 books sent out for March): “Will you please let us know if you will be here on the 30th. prox. to view the parade, and if so about how many guests you will bring with you.” Sam wrote on the env., “shall not attend the Centennial / Maybe Joe will” [MTP].

Daniel Whitford for Alexander & Green wrote to Sam (Frohman to Whitford Apr. 4 encl., suggesting he send Sam a box seat for Tuesday night and they could meet between the acts). “A man from Mr Ingersoll’s office called yesterday. He said that he had never seen the letters which you had written to Mr. Ingersoll. He then went on to say that Mr House had spent three years in preparation dramatizing this play…I told him …that the idea that you had given up your book to Mr. House to do as he liked with it was not for a moment to be believed” [MTP]. Note: Robert Ingersoll was House’s attorney.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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