October 10, 1905 Tuesday

October 10 Tuesday – Isabel Lyon’s journal:

Today Mr. Clemens and Jean lunched with the Catlins—but before Mr. Clemens went away I played all his favorites on the Aeolion, and the Largo I played four times. The Aeolion is going away today and the voice—one of the voices of Dublin will go too. This wonderful summer is sighing so gently away. It has been the Queen of all my summers. Today Mr. Clemens said that as a masseur refreshes the body, so the Aeolion is his spiritual massage—it soothes and rests him.

A lot of children; among the group came Barry Faulkner too—were here for dinner. Barry told me that not long since Mr. Bynner met Hall Caine and the most noticeable things about him were the spots where he hadn’t washed [MTP TS 105, 106]. Note: Hall Caine (1853-1931),

English novelist; see Gribben p. 125. Witter Harold Bynner (1881-1968), poet, and writer; see Gribben p.120.

Gilbert Holland Montague wrote from NYC to thank Sam “for the kind note you caused Miss Lyon to send…” He planned to call on Sam this winter, and envied him autumn in N.H. [MTP].

George W. Reeves wrote to Sam. This could not be located at the MTP.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.