15 August 2022
October 14 Saturday – Thomas S. Barbour, of the Congo Reform Assoc., Boston, wrote to Sam, asking for a “few minutes at your place of entertainment” the following week when Sam planned to be in Boston [MTP]. Notes: MTP gives “on or after 14 October” for Lyon’s response for Sam. Oct. 14 is reasonable for a post to reach Dublin from Boston. The response: “Perhaps it would be better to call up Mr. Clemens at Pearmains address private”. Sumner Bass Pearmain and Alice Whittemore Upton Pearmain were active in Boston society, educational and social work. Sumner was a stock broker.Alice’s parents, Peter and Sarah Miller (Duncan) Upton had a place near Dublin, N.H.
Isabel Lyon’s journal: Jean, Study, 9:30.
I went down to the Thayer’s about 5 o’clock to carry the volume containing “The Defense of Harriet Shelly” to Miss Fuertes and Gerald, and in the lovely living room I found such a dear group of young souls. Gerome [Brush] and Gladys [Thayer], and Barry Faulkner with his sister at the piano and in the twilight we had a very nice talk. They are a dear and noble grouping. Each one so keen with a sense of the bigness of life and the great wish to make a good thing out of any ability he may have within himself. Oh the dear voice that went with the Aeolion. I’ve had big catches in my throat for the past days, for my prayer has gone in the uplifting Largo.
Sir Henry Irving is dead [MTP TS 107]. Note: Hill and others point out that Miss Lyon indicated epileptic attacks of Jean’s by merely time and place.
William Travers Jerome from N.Y.C. wrote on District Attorney letterhead to Sam asking for a contribution for “the campaign.” On or about this day Sam wrote on the letter to Lyon, “Send $25” [MTP].
Isabel Lyon’s journal: Jean, Study, 9:30.
I went down to the Thayer’s about 5 o’clock to carry the volume containing “The Defense of Harriet Shelly” to Miss Fuertes and Gerald, and in the lovely living room I found such a dear group of young souls. Gerome [Brush] and Gladys [Thayer], and Barry Faulkner with his sister at the piano and in the twilight we had a very nice talk. They are a dear and noble grouping. Each one so keen with a sense of the bigness of life and the great wish to make a good thing out of any ability he may have within himself. Oh the dear voice that went with the Aeolion. I’ve had big catches in my throat for the past days, for my prayer has gone in the uplifting Largo.
Sir Henry Irving is dead [MTP TS 107]. Note: Hill and others point out that Miss Lyon indicated epileptic attacks of Jean’s by merely time and place.
William Travers Jerome from N.Y.C. wrote on District Attorney letterhead to Sam asking for a contribution for “the campaign.” On or about this day Sam wrote on the letter to Lyon, “Send $25” [MTP].
Entry Date
Oct 14, 1905 - Sat