November 6, 1905 Monday

November 6 Monday – Samuel W. McCall wrote to Sam [MTP]. Note: MTP dates Sam’s reply as “on or after 6 November.” Sam responded: “If I would go any where on a platform & break my pledge to myself I would go there—but I mustn’t break that pledge” [MTP]. Note: Samuel Walker McCall (1851-1923), past editor of the Boston Daily Advertiser; at this time congressman from Mass. 8 congressional district; later Gov. of Mass. (1916-1919).

Andrew Carnegie wrote from NYC to ask Sam to be their guest as soon after Jan. 1 as possible—he could name the day—“at the annual dinner to the Prince in the Republic of letters” [MTP].

Mrs. Ezra Estep wrote from Sandwich, Illinois to Sam, sharing the same birthday, and asking if he was really as “homely” as they say. A photo from him would prove otherwise. She had read so many of his books and quoted him so often that her neighbors called her “Innocence Abroad” [MTP].

George B. Lauder wrote again to Sam, after seeing his Oct. 26 letter to Sam in a Boston newspaper:

MY DEAR SIR,—I saw in to-day’s paper a copy of the letter which I wrote you October 26th.

I have read and re-read your works until I can almost recall some of them word for word. My familiarity with them is a constant source of pleasure which I would not have missed, and therefore the regret which I have expressed is more than offset by thankfulness.

Believe me, the regret which I feel for having read your works is entirely due to the unalterable fact that I can never again have the pleasure of reading them for the first time.

Your sincere admirer, / GEORGE B. LAUDER [MTB 1423-4].

Samuel W. McCall wrote to ask Sam if he would speak at his college in Northhampton, Mass [MTP].

J.H. Todd wrote from San Francisco to comment on Sam’s idea of extracting all the oxygen from the air as means of ending the human race, and enclosed a printed article on “T. Duffy’s Solution, The Elixer of Life.”

Dear Sir.

Allow me to call your special attention to matter in the enclosed circular relating to Health & Life and how to retain them in the body as long as you want & wish without Disease—Death, and always in youthful feeling.

When each has become cognizant of the above fact and put it in operation on themselves—then & not until then will we have Universal Peace—but if the knowledge which these circulars places before the people is ignored then I agree with you on your proposition of extracting the Oxygen from the air and allow them to enjoy eternal peace. Where there is no Reason (Natural) there is no Sense or knowledge, all is a Blank, and what the people assume is Sense, is only Belief and Assumption—thus where there is no Sense or Reason, War must always prevail for it is their only power. But Pure Natural Reason has now been obtained and the wielder of it is more powerful than Armies, Dynamite or Gunpowder as Reason must and will control all, & none can resist it. The Age of Reason is now begun & will never end again.

Will be pleased to answer any questions regarding the Truth of Natural Life,

I am yours truly

J.H. Todd [MTP]. I: Todd had likely seen the report on Sam’s Nov. 4 Boston speech at the Twentieth Century Club (see entry)

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.