November 7, 1905 Tuesday

November 7 Tuesday – At 21 Fifth Ave. in N.Y.C. Sam wrote to Alice Whittemore Pearmain

I attended to the regime yesterday evening: a substantial dinner at 7. 30, with some deadlies (sweet things; milk & crackers when I went to bed at 10; milk when I woke at 2 a. m; milk & crackers when I woke at 5 a. m; corn bread & 3 cups of unmodified coffee at 8 a. m., (after stealing Clara’s bath, which I found prepared at 7. 30. [ ) ]

It is now 11; Jean has looked in, with your letter, & was followed by Therèse with milk & crackers, according to your plan. Jean will see to it that the rest of the plan is adhered to.

My health-aspects are so showy & decided that they attracted the family’s immediate attention & applause when I arrived yesterday evening. The regime will do wonders in the next 3 months; then I shall be ready to go on exhibition. You will get half of the gate-money.

Miss Lyon remains in the house, we are all happy to say, but we still have a spare room, & we mean to have it always occupied. We beg that whenever you & Mr. Pearmain are so situated that you can come down you will let us know, so that we can arrange to have that room vacant & ready for you. How welcome you will be!

I am very grateful Yours [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.