16 August 2022
November 23 Thursday – Isabel Lyon’s journal # 2: “Miss Lawton to interview Mr. Charles Frohman at 10:30. / Mr. Clemens will go with Mr. Thuthong / Mr. Clemens will dine with Dr. Quintard, perhaps” [MTP TS 35].
Thomas S. Barbour for Congo Reform Assoc., Boston wrote to Sam on their new letterhead, which listed Samuel L. Clemens as a vice president. Barbour sought Sam’s approval to leave a footnote in place in the “King Leopold” pamphlet. He hoped Sam had had a good talk with Dr. Haley during Sam’s Boston stay; Barbour was sorry he could not see Sam then [MTP].
Note: On or after this day Sam instructed Lyon: “Put it right in as it is—doesn’t care.” As with the Anti-Imperialist League, the group used Sam’s name to gather support; he did little or no work for the group, other than his writing. Hawkins gives G. Stanley Hall, psychologist and president of Clark University as president; other vice presidents Lyman Abbott, Congregational minister and author; David Starr Jordan, president of Stanford University; Henry Van Dyke, Presbyterian minister and professor of English at Princeton; and Booker T. Washington, founder of Tuskegee Institute [161].
Asa Don Dickinson wrote from Sheepshead Bay Branch, Brooklyn Library to Sam.
“Your letter rec’d. I am surprised to hear that you think Huck & Tom would have an unwholesome effect on boys and girls. But relieved to hear that you would not place them in the same category with many of the scriptural reprobates” [MTP].
Thomas S. Barbour for Congo Reform Assoc., Boston wrote to Sam on their new letterhead, which listed Samuel L. Clemens as a vice president. Barbour sought Sam’s approval to leave a footnote in place in the “King Leopold” pamphlet. He hoped Sam had had a good talk with Dr. Haley during Sam’s Boston stay; Barbour was sorry he could not see Sam then [MTP].
Note: On or after this day Sam instructed Lyon: “Put it right in as it is—doesn’t care.” As with the Anti-Imperialist League, the group used Sam’s name to gather support; he did little or no work for the group, other than his writing. Hawkins gives G. Stanley Hall, psychologist and president of Clark University as president; other vice presidents Lyman Abbott, Congregational minister and author; David Starr Jordan, president of Stanford University; Henry Van Dyke, Presbyterian minister and professor of English at Princeton; and Booker T. Washington, founder of Tuskegee Institute [161].
Asa Don Dickinson wrote from Sheepshead Bay Branch, Brooklyn Library to Sam.
“Your letter rec’d. I am surprised to hear that you think Huck & Tom would have an unwholesome effect on boys and girls. But relieved to hear that you would not place them in the same category with many of the scriptural reprobates” [MTP].
Entry Date
Nov 23, 1905 - Thu