November 17, 1905 Friday

November 17 Friday – At 21 Fifth Ave., N.Y. Sam responded to Barbara Mullen’s Nov. 12 note from Hannibal, Mo. “I have not had, in all my life before, so many generous letters & so many generous poems as this past fortnight has brought me; my thanks go out to all these friends, but I wish to thank you particularly” [MTP]. Note: postmarks show Sam’s letter arrived in Hannibal on Nov. 19, only two days. Delivery to Mullen’s home likely took another day.

Isabel V. Lyon wrote for Sam to Frederick A. Duneka:

“Mr. Clemens directs me to write for him and say that he has been so troubled by having people write to him for sketches & articles, that he submits the enclosed notice to you and would like to have you print a hundred for him as soon as you can, and send them to him /

Yours very Truly…”

Herman Black advertising mgr. for the Milwaukee Journal wrote to Sam, seeking “sentiments” from famous people, Clemens included, for their New Year calendar [MTP].

Herbert E. Bowen of Harper’s wrote to Sam, acknowledging the wish to include Jerome K. Jerome in the birthday party; the invitation had already been sent to Jerome [MTP].

N.W. Halsey & Co. Bankers wrote to advise Sam they had delivered a check to the order of the Knickerbocker Trust Co. in care of Ashcroft for $40,019.44 [MTP].

Marguerite Merington, Elizabeth Ward, and Eliza D. White wrote to George B. Harvey; the latter two were unable to attend Twain’s 70th birthday party; the first lady accepted [MTP]. Note: from about this day and for several weeks Harvey received many such responses to invitations.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.