July 19, 1907 Friday

July 19 Friday – Sam and Ashcroft were en route to New York on the S.S. Minnetonka.

T.P. O’Connor’s article, “Mark Twain as an Orator,” ran in T.P.’s Weekly (London) p. 85. Tenney: “MT is a master of humor, pathos, and satire—witness his attacks on Christian Science and Belgian rule in the Congo—but he is also ‘one of the great orators of his time.’ After briefly describing MT’s speech ‘at the lunch over which Mr. Birrell presided,’ T.P. writes at greater length on MT’s speech at the Lord Mayor’s Banquet in Liverpool, quoting his own words introducing MT and MT’s speech, and describing the reaction of the audience” [Tenney: “A Reference Guide Fifth Annual Supplement,” American Literary Realism, Autumn 1981 p. 166]. Also in this issue, O’Connor writes “T.P. in his Anecdotage,” p.76. Tenney: “Reprints stories by and about MT from Aaron Watson’s THE SAVAGE CLUB” [ibid].

Isabel Lyon’s journal: “The Monadnock Day. A year ago today—with the same weather” [MTP 85].

Andrew Beatt for the Arbroath Health Congress wrote from Arbroath, Scotland to advise Sam that he’d been “installed as a Life Member,” in their club, a bathing club “whose prevailing characteristic…is humour…”; flyer enclosed and in file [MTP].

John J. Hineson wrote from Lancashire to ask for Sam’s autograph [MTP].

John M. Howells, for Howells & Stokes wrote to Sam, enclosing bills from Harry Lounsbury for general work on the Redding house, and two orders for William Webb Sunderland of $218.45 for the cost of relocating the house the second time and one for $224 for rock excavation [MTP].

The World, London sent a telegram to Sam: “The World congratulates you on remarkable trip abroad public would be greatly interested wireless message from you perhaps on funniest incident your voyage favour of reply …greatly appreciated” [MTP].



Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.