July 24, 1907 Wednesday

July 24 Wednesday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: The King is lonely and so we make calls in the afternoons, but mostly people are out. We did see Mrs. Davies and Mrs. Ogden who gave us iced coffee and the King sat on their beautiful terrace and told about the Punch Dinner and the King’s Garden Party, and those 2 ladies were very sweet and worshipful, Mrs. Davies was a little flustered when she glanced up at her window to see her undershirt hung on some kind of a wire and swinging cheerfully at us [MTP 86].

Charles Ferguson for The Municipal University wrote from Kansas City to Sam, asking him to “examine the Newsbook mailed to you today & tell us wither our kind of a University is your kind”—would he accept election as a Rector or would he prefer to be just one of the fellows? [MTP]. Note: IVL wrote on the letter: “Thank him very much / recognize that the compliment of offering the place to me is a high one & tell him that I stand in dread of being connected with any more causes because I have on my hands all that I can possibly do—and I don’t like to be merely a name & an ornament & do a cause no more service than that”

Samuel E. Moffett wrote from Mt. Vernon, NY to Sam:

I have had hard luck making connection with you. I tried to see you off when you sailed, but went to the wrong dock….I expected to meet you when you came back, but thought the Minnetonka was a nine-day boat and was astonished when she sneaked in in eight. Then I went to see you the next day and found you had gone to Tuxedo for the season. / We have all enjoyed the accounts of your royal progress. With love… [MTP].


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.