August 17 Saturday – The Kanawha stopped in Portland, Maine where Thomas B. Reed disembarked.
Then it sailed directly for N.Y.C. [MTHHR 468 n1].
Sam’s log: August 17, Saturday.
Sailed early.
The Reformed Statesman, growling and complaining again—not in a frank, straightforward way but talking at the Commodore, while letting on to be talking to himself. This time he was dissatisfied about the anchor-watch; said it was out of date, untrustworthy, and for real efficiency didn’t begin with a Waterbury, and was going on, to reiterate as usual, that he had been a pilot all his life and blamed if he ever saw, etc., etc., etc. We put him ashore at Portland. He has a thousand good & lovable qualifications & a trace of veracity, & we parted from him with regret.
Sailed from Portland [Dias, Odd Couple 103; MTP (versions slightly vary)].