September 3, 1881 Saturday 

September 3 Saturday – Sam wrote from Elmira to Howells:

What I call my mind, has been in a state of fierce irruption during three successive days. The consequence is, I am on my back, burnt out, devastated, & merely smoldering. …

Take it all around, it was a pretty fat visit that I made to Boston & Belmont. Among other things, that visit cast in my way an idea toward perfecting an invention of mine; it gave me the right character for my Hamlet; the incident for my “mental telegraphy;” chapter on international etiquette; mighty nice dog; a staving good time at your house & Fairchild’s—yes, & the great day of mourning, in Boston, that memorable Friday, when one could almost feel the heart of the nation beat [MTHL 1: 370]. Note: Sam once tried to add a character to the play, and then tore up the MS. The “memorable Friday” (Aug. 26) was one that brought news of Garfield’s hopeless condition. The Howells family had connections with the fellow Ohioan.

Sam also wrote to Franklin Whitmore, confessing that he was “in bed, exhausted by six days’ work done in three.” Sam wanted advice on whether to sell or hold his “Omaha pf & Omaha common” stock [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.