September 5, 1881 Monday 

September 5 Monday – Sam wrote from Elmira to Josiah G. Holland of Scribner’s, inquiring if he might “simultane” an article he’d sold them to an Australian magazine in Melbourne [MTP]. Note: Holland died on Oct. 12, just five weeks after Sam’s letter.

Sam also wrote to Howells about a subject they dealt with often during the decade—collaborating on a play, variously called “Orme’s Motor,” “The Steam Generator,” Colonel Sellers as a Scientist, and finally The American Claimant. Sam suggested a play with Sellers being 75, “with that fool of a Lafayette Hawkins (age 50) still sticking to him & believing in him, & calling him ‘my lord’.” Sam added that he’d “made $70,000 out of that devil [John T. Raymond] with that other play [The Gilded Age] [MTHL 1: 372-3].

Charles Webster wrote to Sam about showing brass plates to Mr. Marsh of Koch Sons & Co., who was impressed. He thought they ought to buy more Kaolatype stock [MTP]. NoteGeorge N. Marsh

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.