December 25, 1881 Sunday

December 25 Sunday – Christmas – Sam inscribed P&P books to Clara and Susy Clemens, each reading: “To that good mannered and agreeable child Clara Clemens [or] Susie Clemens this book is affectionately offered by Her Father the Author, Hartford, Xmas, 1881.” The inscriptions were prefaced by notes that the book was “one of six or eight copies that were printed on India paper” [MTP].

Sam also inscribed P&P to Lilly Warner: “To / Mrs. Lilly G. Warner ./ With kindest regards of /The Author / Hartford, Xmas, 1881” [MTP].

Sam also inscribed P&P to Louis Fréchette “To Mr. Louis Frechette, with the high esteem & grateful remembrances of The Author. Hartford, Dec. 25, 1881. Fréchette was a Canadian poet, journalist and dramatic author, who wrote in French and English. He was likely a Christmas visitor at the Clemens home, as were Livy’s brother and wife, Charles and Ida Langdon [MTP].

Jane Clemens wrote “A happy Christmas” note to Sam and Livy, “little. Jean. two.” She was alone in the house save for “one little cat. All gone to church.” She felt that Sam’s eyes would be opened when he became a Christian (about Orion) [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.