December 27, 1881 Tuesday

December 27 Tuesday – Sam wrote from Hartford to Edward House, who had evidently written saying that he would arrive for the long-delayed visit on Jan. 2 or 3. Sam hoped that House and daughter Koto could stay until he left for the Mississippi River trip, or about Apr. 15. “We want as much of you as we can get, & at the same time we must not inconvenience you or hamper your plans.” One of Sam’s eight P&P on China paper was waiting for Koto [MTP].

Charles Webster wrote, (Alexander & Green to Webster Dec. 24 enclosed). The letter from the attorneys concluded that the machine was not as represented to Clemens, “complete in all its details and parts and prepared to stand any reasonable test…” Webster advised that “Hicks had modified his statements some” but felt the machine would be made perfect before “capital was raised so as to have a practical test. However he lied to me just the same.” Alexander & Green would not raise the capital before such a test was made [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “Now instruct them to go for Pub. Co. as soon as Jan. statement is in.” And, “They retire from the type-setter”

Worden, Webb & Co., NYC acknowledged receipt of $1,500 in Sam’s Dec. 24 for stock [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.