February 17, 1885 Tuesday 

February 17 Tuesday – Sam and Cable gave a reading in Opera House, Ottawa, Canada.

Sam wrote from Brockville, Canada to Charles Webster. Sam still had not heard if Osgood had sent a statement for the account.

I have paid Osgood for 50,000 Mississippis, bound & complete. He has not accounted to me for more than 33,000. You speak of a remainder of 6,000. What has he done with the other 11,000? Follow him up sharply in the matter; for I want to know [MTP].

Sam wrote to Livy en route from Brockville to Ottowa, Canada, explaining why he didn’t write the day before (see Feb. 16 entry). The letter is a rant on Cable’s shortcomings, including the famous line, “He is the pitifulest louse I have ever known.” Sam finished the letter complaining that the train would be all day going 3 hours worth. He described a man with “enormous cluster-diamond” jewelry, and made an entry about it in his notebook as well [MTP; MTNJ 3: 93].

St. James’s Club, Montreal, per H. Mackenzie sent an engraved card conferring “privileges of the club” upon him for two weeks [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.