February 15, 1885 Sunday

February 15 Sunday – While Sam most likely slept in, Cable attended morning service at a Toronto Methodist church, and again at a 3 PM Sunday school [Roberts 22].

Sam wrote from Toronto to Livy about the tobogganing fun of the previous day. He also wrote to Susy Clemens about the “girl’s college in the country” (Helmuth College) near London, Canada where he tobogganed (see Feb.14 entry) [MTP].

Sam also wrote Charles Webster to “draw up a contract in accordance with the enclosed, & have it ready for the signatures when we reach the Everett House Feb. 21” Also, “the death of that Southern obscene pirate [Coker] ends that suit to my satisfaction,” so tell Whitford of it [MTP].

Sam also wote to Noah Brooks:

My Dear Brooks — The both of us thank you most heartily for your kind offer, but to our great regret we have got to lose the opportunity. Business matters will keep me in New York till the latest moment; & besides, the platform is an exacting damned institution, & does not permit me to eat anything after 2 o’clock p.m.—have to talk on an empty stomach always. But I hope you will give me a chance to look at you that night & have a shake of your hand for old friendship’s sake. / Sincerely yours / S.L. Clemens [ABE Books, John K. King Rare Books, 7/26/2010].

The Detroit Free Press, p. 15 by Luke Sharp: “The Re-Mark-Able Twain.” Backstage remarks by Sam and George [Scharnhorst, Interviews 82-5].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.