January 20, 1889 Sunday

January 20 Sunday – The New York Press responded to a question whether Sam was “still writing” the “Funny Side” column, that he was “mostly confined to writing on checks” [Budd, Our MT 84].

Elizabeth K. Boyesen wrote to Sam inviting him to dine with them on his next visit to New York [MTP].

Orion and Mollie Clemens began a letter to Sam and Livy they finished Jan. 21. A water closet was going in the house for Ma 

I feel stunned and stupefied at the vastness of our good fortune. This morning I read as much as I could of your letter to Mollie & Ma. She was much affected at the happy future before her and Mollie and me. I told her you sent back the letter about the machine that I might copy it for her. I read it to her again. It is always fresh for her. She wants to see the machine. [MTP].

Richard Malcolm Johnston wrote to Livy thanking her for the use of her husband and how charmed everyone was with his reading [MTP].

January 20 Sunday ca. before – Sam’s notebook carries travel plans for his Jan. 21 reading at Smith College in Northampton, Mass., and included a stop at Springfield. The plans do not include an overnight stay.

Leave 4.40 get to Sp.5.42. Leave Spr. 6.15 — get to North 6.55.

Leave here 2 20 — get to S 3.02 — Le Spr 3.15. get there 3.57.


Leave 10.15; / Rech Spr. 11. / Lve. Sprin 11.45; / rch Htfd, — 12.24 [MTNJ 3: 444].

Just under this entry Sam wrote three schools to write for catalogues, for the benefit of Susy and Clara Clemens’ further education. They were: Miss Porter’s, a Farmington Conn. boarding school for girls, Bryn Mawr, where Susy would enroll in Oct. 1890, and Boston University [444]. The girls had been exclusively home-schooled.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.