January 26, 1889 Saturday

January 26 Saturday – In Hartford, Sam responded to Irving Putnam’s Jan. 24 praise about P&P.

I wrote the story mainly in order that it might be dramatized; but nobody offered to do it; wherefore I went to work at last some years ago, & dramatized it myself: that is, I thought I did, but managers didn’t think so, & so nothing came of it. But lately, several people have proposed to dramatize the book, & I made a contract with one of them, & she is at work at it now [MTP]. Note: the contract was with Abby Sage Richardson. See Dec. 4 & 9, 1888, and Jan. 3, 1889 entries.

Sam also wrote to Thomas Frazer Reddy,  letter not extant but referred to in Reddy’s Jan. 28 [MTP].

Sam also wrote to F.P. Browne in Bay City, Mich.,letter not extant but referred to in Browne’s Jan. 30 response [MTP].

Rose Terry Cooke (1827-1892) poet and novelist wrote to Sam inviting him to read at the Academy of Music in Pittsfield, Mass. on Mar. 6,

…to assist a really excellent charity, the combined Old Ladies’ Home and Union for Home Work…. There shall be lemons, hot water, and sugar galore; as to the fourth ingredient I am afraid I am not connoisseur enough to promise that I can suit you, but I will do my best [MTNJ 3:448n137].

Webster & Co. wrote Sam an accounting — some $20,000 paid in notes this week, balance totals of $34,705.66 [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.