October 12, 1889 Saturday

October 12 Saturday – In Hartford, Sam answered Frank Fuller’s letters of Oct. 9 and 11. In the past, Fuller had often hit Sam up for various investments, most of which turned sour. Fuller was at it again, but Sam offered to take Fuller’s money this time.

I am laid up with a hard cold and many guests, otherwise I would have answered yesterday when your first letter came. If you had from $1,000 to $100,000 that you were not going to need for three years, I could place it for you where it would pay you a hundred per cent a year for fifteen years…. I have just completed the great undertaking which I began 3 ½ years ago, and in which I have paid out $3,000 every month for the next year. I have brought that ship into port after that tedious and costly voyage, and am prodigiously glad I undertook the trip; but you see I don’t need any other investment [MTP].

A.F. Kelly for Beech Creek Cannel Coal wrote to Sam, enclosing a draft for $3,000 to invest in the Paige typesetter, as requested by Charles J. Langdon [MTP].

Sam’s notebook: 12th Oct. Mrs. Susan Crane, five [Paige royalties sent] [3: 569].

An unidentified person from Elmira sent Sam a story clipped from the Oct. 12, 1889 N.Y. Evening Post, “Dr. Gabriel’s Experiment.” Sam wrote on the clipping,”Is it fact or fiction? Do not answer. Just say yes or no to [illegible word/name — leau? Dean?]; For she intends to tell me about the dogs.” On the envelope he wrote “story” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.