October 29, 1889 Tuesday

October 29 TuesdayFrederick J. Hall wrote, “The Yankee is all in type.” Complete sheets were printed by Nov. 15; Last week’s report enclosed (not extant); “As you will seeby these reports, we have been taking in considerable money, and of course, our expenses now are heavy, as we are manufacturing both the Conkling book and your book [CY], putting most of our energies on your book. As yet the money returns from these works are not very heavy” [MTLTP 258n2; MTP].

Robert Underwood Johnson for Century Magazine wrote to Sam: “Your riddle of the 27th is duly received. / I do not quite see the point, but I read with the eye of faith. I didn’t know that Bowker had asked you to read in Brooklyn. Sorry he did if that bars you out for us.” On the envelope Sam wrote, “Can’t read this year” [MTP]. Johnson was hopeful Sam could read for benefit of the copyright movement.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.