Submitted by scott on

April 1 Tuesday – In Hartford Sam responded to William Dean Howells’ Mar. 26 letter about A.P. Burbank wanting payment to release rights to the American Claimant play. There would be time enough to talk business with the man later, Sam thought.

I don’t want to buy anything at present, for I am carrying all I can. I cunningly shirked Burbank over on to your shoulders because I was sure that even one more feather in the way of business would break my back; I couldn’t stand an addition. In very truth I want to get far, very far away from plays, just now, for any mention of the stage brings House to mind & turns my stomach. What a gigantic liar that man is! — & what an inconceivable hound [MTHL 2: 632].

W.J. Whiton for Whiton Porteus & Co., Hartford builders, wrote asking Sam for “the last account rendered you by Mr. P. & Co [Paine] as there are one or two items on my books which I have failed to carry out correctly” [MTP].

Guy W. Hubbard, publisher of a paper about autographs, wrote from Pittsfield, Ill. to ask Sam for his views on autograph collecting. “Unanswered letters” Sam wrote on the envelope [MTP].

Robbins Brothers, Hartford furniture, billed $2.50 for “repg music stool, inlaid chair”; Paid Apr. 7;

J.G. Rathbun Pharmacists, Hartford, billed 24.03 for purchases (similar to prior bills) Jan 3, 9, 15, 29, Feb 1, 7, 19, 21 Mar 1, 7, 21, 31; Paid Apr. 3.

Wm. G. Simmons & Co, Fine Boots, Shoes & Rubbers, Hartford $14.25 for purchases Jan 6, 27, Feb 5, 6, 8, 22, Mar 12; Paid Apr. 7.

Smith, Northam & Co., Hartford feedstore billed $5.30 for feed & meal purchases Jan 2, 13, 27 ..note on bill “You made your check 5.50”; Paid Apr.4.

Wm. B. Smith & Son, Flour, Grain, Feed, Baled and Loose Hay and Straw, Hartford billed $20.39 for Mar 15, 13, 24, 26 meal and bran and hay; Paid Apr. 9. [All MTP]

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Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.