Submitted by scott on

April 8 Tuesday – In Hartford Sam wrote to John J. McCook, having mislaid McCook’s letter (Nov. 9, 1889?) until now. He’d forward McCook’s questions to Webster & Co., and offered this about Edward H. House’s lawsuit:

I don’t much mind the attempt upon my income by Mr. House, for the figure was small, but I do seriously see my character made the so easy prey of a rancid adventurer like that scoundrel. I’m never going to law again with a man who is willing to tell lies & swear to them. It gives me no fair chance [MTP]. Note: From MTHL 2: 633n1: “In long statements to the press House implied that Clemens was a liar and accused him of a ‘habitual readiness to avail himself of the labor of others’.”

Daniel Whitford wrote to Sam that Edward House’s attorneys were “anxious to know when” Sam was going to England. “They intend to press the case for trial in June” [MTP].

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Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.