Submitted by scott on

April 2 Wednesday – In Hartford Sam answered Edwin Wildman’s Mar. 31 request for an article for Echoes about Sam’s cats:

There is nothing of continental or inter-national interest to communicate about those cats.

They had no history; they did not distinguish themselves in any way.

They died early — on account of being overweighted by their names, it was thought. SOUR MASH, APPOLLINARIS, ZOROASTER, AND BLATHERSKITE…[MTP].

Henry M. Alden for Harper & Brothers wrote to Sam (Lukens Mar. 26 encl.):

I return Mr. Lukens’ letter which, I think, was only meant to call your attention to the article & get a word from you — though really I don’t see why you should give it. / I am sending you my book, “God in His World”. Don’t write me about it till you have read it… [MTP]. Note: God in His World (1890) See Gribben 14.

Wm. B. Smith & Son, Flour, Grain, Feed, Baled and Loose Hay and Straw, Hartford, billed $19.25 for feed purchases Jan 3, 7, 11, 18, Feb 14, 17, 21, 22, Mch 21; Paid Apr. 2 [MTP]. See also bill Apr.1

Geo. T. Stevens, N.Y. billed $25 “for professional services self & mrs C”; Paid Apr. 2 [MTP].

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Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.