Submitted by scott on

April 13 Sunday – The Boston Sunday Globe, p.10 gave a glowing review of P&P with Elsie Leslie, which was in town for a two-week stand (See also the Globe display ad of Apr. 26, 1889, p.3.)

Elsie Leslie, whose charming Fauntleroy is by no means forgotten, is to be the dainty star of the week at the Hollis Street Theatre. Her play is “Prince and Pauper,” a dramatization of Mark Twain’s celebrated story of the same name, the stage version having been made by Mrs. Abby Sage Richardson, a writer of excellent repute. It comes with the prestige of popular and critical approval, having been given with marked success in New York for six weeks and in Philadelphia and Chicago for four weeks each….The prominent feature will, of course, be Elsie Leslie, who is described as little short of a genius.

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Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.