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April 17 Thursday – In Hartford Sam wrote to Edgar W. (Bill) Nye, answering his Apr. 11:

I am just your man! I expect Joe Goodman East before many weeks, & when he comes, we’ll foregather, you & Riley & Joe & I, & just have an elegant time — a time that will beggar description, if that it the right literary phrase & sufficiently unhackneyed; & if it ain’t, we’ll substitute a time that will cast a gloom over the whole community [MTP].

Joe Goodman telegraphed from Fresno to Sam: “Could not come for a month any how very critical season with vines will write at length” [MTP

Frederick J. Hall wrote to Sam of a letter received by Gen. Sherman offering them the full control of plates he owned for his standard work with Appleton, who had merely paid him a royalty for their use. Also, Hall had experienced trouble collecting from A.L. Bancroft & Co. of S.F.; they now owed $2,481 and were general agents for CY and LAL. Hall sent a $2,500 promissory note from the bank for Sam to endorse, which would carry them over until Bancroft paid [MTP].

Rev. John J. McCook wrote to Sam acknowledging his “very great kindness and courtesy in the matter of the notes” [MTP]. See Apr. 8.

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Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.