February 7, 1905 Tuesday

February 7 Tuesday – Isabel Lyon’s journal # 2: “Mr. Reeves was here this morning to talk over the renting of the house in Vermont” [MTP TS 4].

William Evarts Benjamin wrote to Sam, enclosing a check for $1,000 from Title, Guarantee & Trust Co., on the Tarrytown property matters, and thought the prospects bright for getting back another $500 [MTP]. Note: monies were held in escrow to insure clear title; notably, removal of the Trolley Co.’s encroachment.

John H. Grafton wrote from Winona, Minn. to Sam, asking for the name of the first mate on the Hornet, when she was lost in 1866 [MTP]. Note: Grafton does not give the purpose of his interest.

John Y. MacAlister wrote Ralph W. Ashcroft, copy to Sam.

My recollection of the Butters episode is that he brought, or sent to me a letter of introduction from Mr. Clemens, and that thereafter I saw Butters either once or twice at his office, and went into the matter very carefully with him, that is to say I endeavored to get as much information from him as I could. Butters urged me to try to find a purchaser for Clemens’ English shares in order to invest the money in the American company. I told him I would see what could be done, with a mental reservation that I would see him damned before I would help in what I considered a bad business for my friend [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.